Endodontic trauma refers to injuries affecting the pulp — the innermost part of the tooth — which often result from accidents or severe tooth decay. Prompt and effective treatment is paramount to prevent further complications, including loss of the tooth.

Understanding Endodontic Trauma

Endodontic trauma can range from minor injuries, such as small cracks in the tooth, to more severe cases such as displacement or avulsion of the tooth. Symptoms can include toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, discoloration of the tooth, swelling, and tenderness in the surrounding gums.

Procedures and Treatments

Treatment for endodontic trauma largely depends on the severity of the injury and may include procedures such as root canal therapy, endodontic surgery, and even tooth extraction in extreme cases. The main objective of these procedures is to alleviate pain, prevent infection, and preserve the tooth.

Trust the Expertise of Henry Ma, DMD at Pathways Endodontics

When dealing with endodontic trauma, it's essential to trust a skilled professional. Dr. Henry Ma, at Pathways Endodontics, provides outstanding care with a gentle touch. With extensive experience in endodontics, Dr. Ma offers comprehensive treatment options tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you achieve optimal oral health.

Giving your smile the care you deserve, Dr. Ma and the Pathways Endodontics team are committed to helping you navigate your endodontic treatment journey with ease, equipping you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your oral health.

Whether you're dealing with the aftermath of endodontic trauma or looking to prevent potential dental issues, Dr. Ma stands ready to assist.

Visit Pathways Endodontics today and let us redefine your experience with endodontics.

How will my injury be treated?

source: American Association of Endodontics


If you’ve chipped or fractured your tooth’s crown, it’s likely it can be repaired either by reattaching the broken piece or by putting a tooth-colored filling in place. If a significant part of your tooth crown is broken off, an artificial crown or “cap” may be needed to restore it.

When the pulp is exposed or damaged after a crown fracture, root canal treatment may be needed. These injuries require special attention. If breathing through your mouth or drinking cold fluids is painful, bite on clean, moist gauze or cloth to help relieve symptoms until reaching your dentist’s office. Never use topical oral pain medication (such as Anbesol®) or ointments, or place aspirin on the affected areas to eliminate pain symptoms.


During an injury, a tooth may be pushed sideways, out of or into its socket. Your endodontist or general dentist will reposition and stabilize your tooth. Root canal treatment is usually needed for permanent teeth that have been dislodged and should be started several days following the injury. Medication may be put inside your tooth as part of the root canal treatment; once treatment is complete and has been deemed successful a permanent root canal filling or crown will be put in place at a later date.

Children ages 12 and under may not need root canal treatment since their teeth are still developing. New research indicates that stem cells present in the pulps of children can be stimulated to complete root growth and heal the pulp following injuries or infection. When a child’s tooth is injured, an endodontist or dentist will monitor the healing carefully and intervene immediately if any unfavorable changes appear. Multiple follow-up appointments are likely to be needed.


If one of your teeth is completely knocked out of your mouth, see an endodontist or dentist immediately! Time is of the essence and if you receive treatment quickly, preferably within 30 minutes, there is a chance to save your tooth.

Handle a knocked-out tooth very carefully and don’t touch the root surface. Following a few important steps will help increase the likelihood of saving your tooth. Your endodontist or dentist will evaluate the tooth, place it back in its socket and examine you for any other dental and facial injuries. A stabilizing splint will be placed for the next few weeks. Depending on the stage of root development, your dentist or endodontist may start root canal treatment a week or two later.

Depending on the length of time your tooth was out of your mouth and how it was stored before receiving treatment it may be necessary to discuss other treatment options with your dentist or endodontist.


A traumatic injury to your tooth may also result in a horizontal root fracture. The location of the fracture determines the long-term health of your tooth. The closer a fracture is to the root tip, the better the chances of success and long-term health; fractures closer to the gum line are more debilitating for your tooth. Sometimes, stabilization with a splint is required while the tooth heals.

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