Endodontic Resorption

Endodontic resorption is a complex dental condition where your body's own cells start breaking down and absorbing the hard tissues of a tooth.

Causes and Symptoms

Trauma, infection, or orthodontic treatment are among the leading causes. Sometimes resorption can occur for no known reasons at all. Symptoms can be discreet; often, the condition is discovered during routine radiographic examination.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis primarily relies on radiographs, while CBCT scans can offer more accurate imaging in complex cases. Early detection is key in managing endodontic resorption effectively.

In terms of treatment, the primary aim is to eliminate the resorptive process and prevent further destruction of tooth structure. Procedures may range from root canal treatments to more complex endodontic surgeries.

Post-treatment Care

Following treatment, regular check-ups are crucial to ensure the resorption process has been halted and the tooth remains healthy. Good dental hygiene practices and maintaining a healthy diet will help strengthen the affected tooth post treatment.

Endodontic resorption can be a challenging condition to manage, but with early detection and appropriate treatment, it's possible to halt the resorption process and preserve the tooth. If you have any concerns or questions about endodontic resorption, don't hesitate to reach out to our dental team. Dr. Ma and Pathways Endodontics is here to help.

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