Technology in Endodontics

Modern endodontics is a rapidly evolving field, harnessing the power of dental technology to enhance patient care and outcomes. At Pathways Endodontics, we're proud to be at the forefront of these advancements.

Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

cone beam computed temography CBCT at Pathways EndodonticsAt Pathways Endodontics, we believe in using cutting-edge technology to provide the best possible care for our patients. A key part of our advanced toolkit is the Morita CBCT Veraview X800. This state-of-the-art imaging system goes beyond traditional dental x-rays, delivering high-definition 3D images of teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways, and bones. By using the Morita Veraview X800, we can visualize the intricate structures of your mouth in a single scan, enabling us to devise the most accurate and effective treatment plans. We're proud to bring this advanced technology to our practice, enhancing our ability to deliver superior endodontic care.

Surgical Microscopes

surgical microscope at Pathways EndodonticsIn our constant quest to elevate patient care at Pathways Endodontics, we are proud to incorporate the use of the Zumax® 2380 R2 surgical microscope into our practice. This powerful tool allows us to magnify (up to 25x) and illuminate complex root structures for better visibility, which ensures comprehensive cleaning and high-quality visualization of cracks. By using this cutting-edge technology, we can guarantee a more precise, effective, and superior endodontic treatment for our patients.

Fully Integrated Custom Endodontic Delivery System

Fully Integrated Custom Endodontic Delivery System

At Pathways Endodontics, we utilize the Fully Integrated Custom Endodontic Delivery System, an efficient and streamlined solution that caters to the specific needs of endodontic procedures. This system, designed for precision and effectiveness, provides us with optimal access to essential endodontic instruments and materials, allowing us to perform procedures more smoothly and reduce patient treatment time.

Ultrasonic Irrigation

Ultrasonic irrigation is an advanced technology used in endodontic care, which takes root canal therapy to new levels of effectiveness. This procedure employs ultrasonic energy to agitate an irrigating solution within the root canal system, facilitating the removal of pulp tissue, dentin debris, and bacteria. The ultrasonic vibrations help the irrigant penetrate deeper into the narrow and curved areas of the root canal, areas which conventional instruments may not be able to thoroughly clean. It significantly improves the disinfection of the canal and increases the success rate of endodontic treatments. At Pathways Endodontics, we incorporate ultrasonic irrigation into our treatments, ensuring the highest standards of care and the best possible outcomes for our patient's oral health.

At Pathways Endodontics, we're committed to using these advanced technologies to provide the highest standard of patient care. Our priority is to ensure every patient receives the best possible treatment, and we believe the use of cutting-edge technology is crucial to achieving this goal. We look forward to assisting you on your path to optimal dental health!

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